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Response to media reports regarding wastewater pollution at Douliu Industrial Zone
Yunlin County EPB received complaints from the public on August 24th and August 25th, and immediately dispatched personnel for on-site examinations. They immediately conducted water sampling for laboratory tests including: water temperature, pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (SS) and true color. On-site testing of water temperature and pH levels were normal and did not exceed legal requirements; the other parts will await the laboratory reports (expected September 3rd); if the water release criteria are not met, then the implicated company will be punished.
 Investigation showed that the source of colored wastewater in the river was from Yong Mao Company (papermaking industry) with a pipeline in the Industrial Zone. Its manufacturing process involved the magenta color, and the wastewater was released into the wastewater processing plant for processing, and was released through the Douliu Industrial Zone wastewater processing plant discharge point. The bright color caused public doubt and complaints; thus, Yong Mao Company was requested to cease the manufacturing process on August 25th, and Douliu Industrial Zone wastewater processing plant was requested to carefully conduct its processing measures.
 This year, EPB conducted 26 checks on the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau Douliu Industrial Zone Service Center sewage system, sampled discharged water seven times, fining two violations for water pollution, at a total of 610,000 NT. This year, EPB also actively examined seven papermaking companies in the jurisdiction of the Industrial Zone. In order to strengthen the examination and control of industrial wastewater discharge, and further investigate whether businesses are in actuality conducting normal wastewater processing measures, as well as to prevent businesses from illicitly discharging wastewater, this year EPB also conducted business wastewater functional evaluation for the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau Douliu Industrial Zone Service Center sewage system. The first phase was completed in July (water pollution permit data verification and wastewater sampling of individual processing units in the wastewater processing facilities), and a time will be selected for experts and scholars to meet to evaluate the functions.
 EPB stated that it will continue to administer pollution control and publicize the testing results, and it also appealed to all businesses to abide by the regulatory requirements.
UPDATE:2013-11-11 15:03:00