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The County Government is working with everyone to combat the outbreak of COVID-19

 Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan, the epidemic alert level has been raised to Level 3 from May 19th to prevent the outbreak from getting worse. The Yunlin County Government has not only coordinated with all townships and cities to intensify the cleaning and disinfection operations of outdoor public spaces and crowded areas, but has also been gradually expanding the scope for environmental disinfection. The County Government has been making sure it has sufficient disinfection fluids, protective clothing, masks and other epidemic prevention materials to provide to various city and township offices.  Due to the endless amount of local cases with unknown sources of infection, all townships and cities are currently conducting thorough and comprehensive disinfection operations for environments that contain footprints of confirmed cases to avoid increasing the risk of local transmission and cluster infection.  As the scope and frequency of disinfection operations have increased, Formosa Plastics has provided a total of 30,000 liters of disinfectant fluids to various city and township offices in Yunlin County and distributed them in two batches. The first batch was distributed on May 18th, and the second batch of 10,000 liters will be distributed today (21st). People who were unable to purchase disinfection fluids can contact the cleaning teams of the city and township offices.  Yunlin County Mayor Chang stated that all county residents should thoroughly carry out epidemic prevention work, and actively cooperate with relevant epidemic prevention measures to prevent a further outbreak of COVID-19 and cluster infections. In addition to using the disinfection fluids for cleaning and disinfection of indoor and outdoor environments at home, people can also use commercial bleach that is diluted according to a certain ratio (bleach: water = 1:100). People should take personal protective measures at all times and places by wearing masks, frequently washing their hands, maintain social distancing, and being wary of coughing in various situations. If people feel unwell, please rest at home and do not go out to protect yourself and your family as this is the most basic principle of epidemic prevention for households and communities. We’d like to remind once again that not wearing a mask during outings in accordance with the regulations, and not cooperating with the authority will result in a NTD 3,000 to NTD 15,000 fine in accordance with the “Communicable Disease Control Act.” We’d like to thank all of the frontline personnel for persevering and combatting the epidemic, and remaining steadfast at their posts.

  • Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Operation-3
UPDATE:2021-06-30 09:05:00