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“Embrace Earth’s Love, GO Green, GO Veggie” - Cycling Parade for a Clean Home

 In order to promote the National Green Life Movement and implement the 2023 Carbon Reduction Action Year, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunlin County held the “Cycling Parade for a Clean Home” event today. The purpose of this event was to promote the National Green Life Movement, and to strengthen the relationship between people and the environment, history, and life. In addition, it was combined with the “Return Home with Green Cuisine” activity to promote a low-carbon diet and to implement green living through daily eating habits.

 During the cycling parade, participants departed from the Suan Xiang Ma Yuan Living Hall in Citong Township and passed through attractions such as Mayuan Riverside Park, Dongxing Temple, Hu Zi Nei Levee, and Sihe Holy Mother Temple before returning to the starting point. The total distance was approximately 10 kilometers. Along the route, participants not only enjoyed the agricultural scenery and cultural landmarks of Yunlin County but also actively participated in environmental protection by picking up litter. Furthermore, through environmental point collection and advocacy activities, the event aimed to foster a sense of environmental responsibility and to improve the quality of the environment, deepening the habit of environmental preservation among local residents and creating a high-quality home. As for the “Return Home with Green Cuisine” activity, award-winning chefs from the Green Cuisine Master Competition exchanged ideas with the chefs of Suan Xiang Ma Yuan’s Elderly Hall, sharing low-carbon cooking methods and utilizing seasonal and local ingredients. This activity aimed to integrate low-carbon eating habits into daily life.

 This event demonstrated Yunlin County’s commitment to green life and called on the public to take action in their daily lives, practicing carbon reduction through waste sorting and environmental conservation, and contributing to reducing carbon emissions. Additionally, by promoting the green cuisine spirit of “Eat Local, Eat Seasonal” through green cuisine exchange activities, the event aimed to build a green life and a more environmentally friendly and sustainable living environment through daily eating habits.

 The event received enthusiastic responses from the public, with many expressing a deeper understanding of practical ways to green life and a desire to implement green practices in their daily lives, contributing their efforts to the environment.

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UPDATE:2023-08-01 16:12:00