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Yunlin County to Hold the National Seminar Series on Toxic Chemicals Substances Disaster Prevention and Protection Exercises

 To integrate and strengthen the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the reporting and response capabilities between manufacturers and local and central government departments regarding toxic disaster incidents, as well as to enhance the exchange of experiences, reach consensus for disaster prevention and rescue, and improve vertical coordination between central and local disaster relief units, Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunlin County held the “National Seminar Series on Toxic Chemical Substance Disaster Exercises” today (12th) at Sun Hao International Hotel. Experts, scholars, government agencies, operators involved in toxic and chemical substances, and other relevant units were invited to participate.

 Qiao-wei Zhang, Director of Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunlin County, stated that the seminar covered topics such as “Basic Policies and System Planning for Disaster Management,” “Promotion and Implementation Management for Toxic Substances and Disaster Response,” “Disaster Site Response Mechanism and Command Operations,” and “Emergency Medical Response to Toxic Disasters.” Group discussions were arranged for participants to discuss the integration of toxic chemicals disaster prevention and protection exercises and disaster prevention and protection drills nationwide. To achieve the spirit of disaster management exercises and simulate real-life scenarios, key topics such as “Composite Activation and Coordination Mechanism,” “Regional Control and Hot Zone Operations,” and “Evacuation, Shelter, and Recovery” were discussed to gather consensus among the groups and incorporate them into scenario planning for the exercises.

 Deputy County Magistrate Shu-ya Xie stated that disaster response is not the sole responsibility of a single department. In addition to the joint efforts of various departments within the county, assistance and support from the central government are also needed to achieve the functions of disaster prevention and reduction. Through this seminar, which was held in advance, it is hoped that the county government's various departments will strengthen their response capabilities in the event of a toxic disaster and enhance communication between the central and local governments as well as with the public during disasters. This will enable all parties involved to understand how to cooperate with each other in the event of an incident, and minimize harm.

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UPDATE:2023-08-01 16:08:00